The Fabulous Nickel Jukebox Band R&B Motown!!!! W/Special guests: Classical Gas The Classical H.S. Jazz and Rock Band
The Fabulous Motown band, Nickel Jukebox return for an early show on
Saturday, December 16, 6-8 pm featuring: Richard Ribb, Peter Mandelson, Angela
Wade, Michelle Hill on vocals, and Mark Vadnais on drums. For those
of you who are sick of our same old set, we are bringing back some tunes
we haven’t played for years and even some Motown Reggae!
Opening act 6-6:30 will be Classical Gas, the Classical High Jazz and
Rock Band. Seniors Ben O’Sullivan on drums, Torin Kelly on bass, and
Lucas Hurtado on keys return along with sophemore Ben Giller on guitar
and newcomer sophemore Jadel Rodgriguez singing. They are really good
and guaranteed to impress and entertain you.
All this for only 5 Bucks