

Aaron Regunberg Benefit: Gained In Translation // Too Many Tabers ALL AGES DOORS @ 5PM

Aaron Regunberg is running for U.S. Congress in District 1. For fifteen years, Aaron has been fighting to make a difference for everyday Rhode Islanders. As a state legislator, he built coalitions that passed laws to give working people paid sick days, higher wages, and access to renewable energy. As a community organizer in Providence, he stood up with folks who’ve been ignored for too long. And as a new lawyer, he’s supported court cases to hold Big Oil companies accountable for their environmental crimes.
Gained In Translation features Victoria Richter singing jazz and pop songs in 12 languages including French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Ukrainian, Russian and Romany. The band will include a six-piece lineup of rhythm and lead guitars, accordion, flute, bass and drums.
Too Many Tabers consists of Mark and Sam Taber on two pianos and Julie Fischer on bass, playing material ranging from blues to jazz to rock — and beyond. They are thrilled to be joined by guest singer Adrienne West.
Donations to Aaron Regunberg for Congress will be accepted via cash, check, or card.
Providence, Rhode Island